Duct Insulation


Protecting form Extreme Temperatures.

Duct insulation will help you to save the temperature of air that travels through the ducts in unconditioned areas. If the ducts are in a basement, crawlspace, or attic, the ducts temperature will be the same as the temperature in these spaces. This will mean that your heater has to heat up the ducts before your house becomes warm.

Imagine the discomfort of waiting on a hot summer day for your ducts to cool. The work and energy spent by you air-conditioner is negated by the hot metallic ducts.

Your comfort and Energy performance will improve

Ducts have different methods of being insulated. At times a foil blanket is wrapped around the duct. Spray foam is used in other times to insulate the basement. A third method, especially in the attic is to add enough extra attic insulation to drown the ducts with the new insulation. The best way to decide, what is right for you is to conduct an energy audit in your house.



Sealing and Insulation of Ducts cannot be separated

You cannot separate duct sealing with Installation they go together. All experts agree that this is a money-saving process and avoids extra work. Ducts are leaky by their nature, and because they have fittings that don’t seal, wasted energy escapes when the air, conditioned or heated, leaks out of the ducts. This also creates problems for air quality because the stuffy air in the basement, crawl space or attic is moved to the living area.



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