Garage Insulation
Not having enough garage insulation causes discomfort and energy inefficiency. The Home Insulators can help you to solve this problem.
Very commonly, a builder will forget to properly insulate the ceiling of the garage. This leads to
A living space that is costly to keep warm and cool. We can help you fix this at The Home Insulators by installing blown-in cellulose injected into the garage ceiling.
Many people neglect the garage as a place to save energy. It’s considered a place to store things and protect vehicles. Yet if builders fail to properly insulate the garage, it will create an energy void in other parts of your house. The Bottom Line: Garage Insulation is important.
Upgrading Garage insulation
Ceiling Insulation in the Garage– It is critical to insulate the garage ceiling if there is a living space above the garage. Many builders will skip this step during construction, for money saving purposes and because sometimes the area is left unfinished. Without insulation, however the area above will be icy cold in the summer and blazing hot in the summer. Energy will be wasted all year.
Insulating garage walls– In many cases the garage will be attacked to the house. The one wall that is separating the garage from the living area, needs to be air sealed, then insulated, and finally finished with fire-resistant drywall. A professional energy consultant can inspect the walls for insulation with a special infrared camera, or other expert methods. If there is no insulation, it is a possibility to blow new insulation into the wall though holes drilled into the drywall. Also any escaped air needs to be sealed not only for energy efficiency but also for protection against carbon monoxide and car fumes.
Exterior door inside the Garage- The door from the living space to the garage, not the “garage door” needs to be weather-stripped and insulated fully. This is just like any exterior door. In most places, the building codes also calf or the door to be fire-rated. If you think you door needs to be upgraded, ask The Home Insulators about having a new door installed.